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Are you and your team ready to enjoy a thriving accountant practice, with consistent cash flow, and clients you love working with?
This Sales Mastery training was created specificially for accounting, tax, and bookkeeping firm owners and their teams to help you build a thriving business with no more waiting for busy season, no more waiting for clients, and no more guessing what works!
Here's What You and Your Team Will Learn:
  • How to get more people to say YES to your services WITHOUT feeling salesy

  • How to tap into your sales superpowers to consistently close more high-paying clients
  • How to systemize your sales process to start increasing your revenues immediately
  • How to create a consistent flow of clients and referrals so you never have to worry where the next client is coming from  
  • How to take control of conversations and client questions so you never have to wing it ever again
  • How to charge what you're worth and set boundaries so you can make more money while working less
Diane and Sheila streamlined their process to get the RIGHT clients and support each other when it counts!
Bev and her staff took the training together and don't have to waste any time getting on the same page!
John and Katrine found structure and consistency that took all of the guesswork out of selling!
Travis found more confidence and learned how to turn prospects into clients!
Mike and his team stopped "winging it" and took control of the client process AND the profits!
Mark was able to take his Fortune 100 sales skills and experience to the next level!
Alicia got comfortable with sales and always feels prepared with a potential client!
Luke and his team learned how to get a fast YES from high-quality clients and boosted revenue in just a few weeks!
Raymond and Danielle improved communication and efficiency to close more deals and work faster! 
Carmen’s team learned how to smooth out their sales process and connect with clients on a deeper level!
Justin and Leigh went from fear and anxiety to freedom and abundance (with money in the bank)! 
Duane and Lynn are seeing their revenue going up and the quality of their clients improving!
Dennis and Kathy discovered their value and transformed their firm and the way they work!
Jacob and Traci stopped wasting time and energy and starting making BIG profits in their firm!
Our Sales Mastery Course graduates have used our proven techniques to:
 Add $10K to $50K in additional revenue every month
 Work fewer hours with only high-quality clients
 Easily turn price shoppers into paying customers
Michelle Weinstein
Michelle is well known for teaching, guiding and mentoring entrepreneurs to grow their businesses to 8-figures and beyond.  

Her passion is helping entrepreneurs and business owners who sell high value services or programs own their value, remember their worth, and embrace the selling process with confidence. She’s living proof that if you stay in the game, success is inevitable. And it’s a message that Michelle shares with passion every day. Michelle trains accountants how to use her unique and proven system to sell more services, overcome any objection, and have a life full of abundance!

She has successfully trained CPAs how to actually and efficiently IMPLEMENT powerful techniques adding $10k to $50k in additional revenue every month. Get the free guide to learn how!
Denise Mandeau
Denise Mandeau is a Business Growth Strategist and has proven success as a Business Owner, Financial Planner and award-winning Sales professional for over 35 years. 

She has learned what it takes to produce results and has been working with professionals and sales teams over the last few years helping them to generate millions of dollars in new business. She has personally closed over $1.8 million in new business in the last 12 months! 

Denise is passionate about teaching others to learn how to sell without being salesy!
Here's What's Included
8 Live Online Course Calls
Direct coaching & Role Play with Michelle and Denise
Private Membership Area with Replays & Course Materials 
2 Bonus Follow Up Q&A Sessions
Private Facebook group with students & graduates
Accountability & support to get to the next level 
“I am truly pleased with all that we learned and the results we have seen.”
I am the right-hand person to Jennifer (the owner/CPA) at our office, and she had signed us up to do this 8-week course together.  Going into it I wasn’t exactly sure what we were really going to be working on or how the “sales” part even really applied to my job at the business. 

Now that the course is done, I can say that not only did it completely change how I felt about sales and selling people a service, but it helped me to really understand Jennifer’s vision and goals for her business. 

And once the person who is the first touch for your business truly understands the end game, they can facilitate the sales process and at the same time help manage the boss’ time by weeding out the prospects who don’t help you meet that goal. 

I know that many of you will be tempted to say “I’ll just send my Assistant” because you don’t have the time, but I can honestly say that you would truly be missing out by only one of you doing the course. It’s a process that is best done with the two of you working together, because without Jennifer and I having done this together I would never had known her dreams and vision for her firm. 

While I started out the process half-hearted because I couldn’t see how the course applied to me, I can now say that am truly pleased with all that we learned and the results we have seen in a short period of time.

Alicia Schwartzbeck, Admin Assistant
“We all have seen the results it has made for the firm and it is benefiting all of us.”
As the Administrative Assistant for our Firm, I feel fortunate for the opportunity provided to be part of this 8 Week Sales Mastery Course with Michelle, and that our Firm owner was so happy with the results of this program that she decided to register us to do it together as a team.

Michelle taught us how to sell without selling, creating value and desire, our time value, handling objections and follow up, and that it is okay if everyone can’t afford us. It is not easy to get out of your comfort zone, work hard on your homework and practice what you have learned, but is necessary, because it actually works! It has helped us tremendously. We all have seen the results it has made for the Firm and it is benefiting all of us. 
Thank you for all Michelle!
Janelle Ramirez, Admin Assistant
“It was the best sales course I ever attended!”
I am not a salesperson. I love to help my clients and provide them with the high level of service. The course taught me how to sell without selling, how to serve clients with more value, how to gain confidence, how to deliver quality vs quantity, how to deal with objections, how to define an ideal client and set the boundaries, how to present myself at the networking events and such. The list goes on and on. The course is a MUST for everyone interested in increasing their business bottom line. Thank you, Michelle and Denise! You are amazing!

Luba Milgram, EA
“I no longer fear the word sales!"
I no longer fear the word “sales” because I am helping clients by sharing my knowledge with them. This frame of mind has been monumental and it has transformed our confidence and practice thanks to Michelle. We are having different conversations with our clients and prospects without the fear of rejection and completing her 8 week sales mastery training is the reason why. I am thankful for personally working with Michelle and her dedication to helping us succeed!
Carmen M. Peters, MST, CPA, CTC
“Anybody selling high-value services should work with Michelle!”
Going into meetings with clients or prospects is a lot easier than it used to be, and Michelle makes the process really easy. She’s really good to work with. To me, having Michelle as a resource really makes me feel like I’m not alone. I know I can reach out to her and that’s also really valuable. I think that anybody selling high-value services should work with Michelle. Obviously, I’m in my particular industry but anybody in a service area, Michelle is going be able to help them and I encourage it. Whatever you charge, we’re worth many times it. This has truly been transformative for our business. To look at how we do things and how we think about things today versus even a couple of months ago, it’s a dramatic difference and I have Michelle to thank for it.
Marc Schnoll
“Michelle and Denise helped push me out of my comfort zone to get a different result than I’ve been getting for decades!”
Michelle and Denise helped push me out of my comfort zone to get a different result than I’ve been getting for decades. We developed a custom, non-salesy, sales process. I now guide prospects to sell themselves on my services for fees far above any amount I’ve considered charging in the past. The support, direction, and feedback The Pitch Queen gave was beyond my expectations.
Wendi S. Hall, CPA, IAR
“This sales course will give you power to take back ownership of your firm and your life!”
Having previous sales experience, I thought taking the course I would not really benefit much by taking the course because I know I can sell. Well, The Pitch Queen team taught that selling on a personal level in the accounting profession was a skill I needed to develop. If you feel undervalued and underpaid, this sales course will give you the power to take back the ownership of your firm and your life. I found when I stopped lying to myself, I could take back my life and start getting paid what I was worth. In addition, by setting boundaries in my firm I’m now able to get my life back. It’s a win for my clients and a win for my family. Thanks Michelle, the additional revenue will allow me to experience my dreams.
Ira Williams
“I saw positive results right away!”
Having worked in sales enablement at a Fortune 100 company where I facilitated a great deal of sales training, I was not sure how much value I would get out of the CPA Sales Course. As it turns out, I was very pleased with how helpful, practical, and contextualized the sales training was. It gave me some specific tools and strategies to immediately improve my sales conversations with prospective clients. I saw positive results right away, both in the quality of my sales conversations and in converting the prospects that fit our business best. If you need a proven process for qualifying and converting prospects that you can actually implement for your tax planning CPA firm, I highly recommend The Pitch Queen.
Mark N. Tuggle, Ph.D.
“The course already paid for itself!”
I believe taking this sales class has set me apart from most of the other CPAs out there. I learned how to listen more to the client and understand what he or she values and their pain. I am able to help them reach their goals with a great understanding of where they are at and where they want to be. The sales class has already paid for itself and I expect to use the techniques to continue to increase my closing rate.
Matthew Leonard, CPA, CTC
“It was the answer to our problems!”
Some of the issues we were experiencing at our firm were feelings of being burnout and frustrated at the amount of work we had taken on just so we didn’t turn away any revenue. We were also spending a lot of time chasing down outstanding Accounts Receivable balances. We realized we needed to make a change in order to get our peace of mind back. 

The first thing we implemented was increasing our bookkeeping and payroll fees to what we term a “Feel-Good” price instead of basing our fees on time involved. In changing to the Feel-Good pricing, it allowed us to finally feel we were being paid for our value and knowledge and not as a commodity. We really didn’t have any fear or hesitation in considering the course. We knew it was the answer to the problems and issues we were experiencing in how we were doing business in our CPA firm. In doing the course, we found how to ask for fees upfront instead of chasing down AR balances and we learned the mindset needed to see the value in our services and start charging fees based on that value.
Kathy Pacciorini
“Within a month I had paid for the course two-times over!”
I felt I had created a monster as my firm began overtaking every aspect of my life. I was overwhelmed and frustrated and didn’t really like the person that I was becoming. By far the most important change I made was focusing on our outstanding receivables and getting that money in the bank and never wasting another minute of my staff’s time trying to collect what was ours. 

The major fear that kept cropping up for me was finding the time to devote to the course and whether I would find it interesting and helpful enough to make me stick to it. With the weekly Zoom calls, the collaboration with my staff and the support from Michelle and Denise those fears were gone almost immediately. Within a month I increased our fees from what we would have normally charged for our tax and bookkeeping engagements to the point where I had already paid for the course two-times over and was actually playing with house money! Of all the benefits of taking the course, I would say that the camaraderie with the other class mates and the realization that I was not alone in this journey have had the biggest impact on me and my firm.
Dennis Tolliver
Are you ready to Finally Be Paid What You're Worth?
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